

29 April 2021 - Points of sale

The Tourbillon Narrated in China

Celebrating 220 years of this major invention, Breguet built up a retrospective exhibition dedicated to the Tourbillon. From its origins to the position it has today in watchmaking, this complication features among the most fascinating inventions. An exquisite mechanism of unrivaled complexity, the Tourbillon lies at the heart of a genuine human adventure that, to this day, contributes extensively to the reputation of its creator Abraham-Louis Breguet and his House.

Unveiled in the town of Xiamen in April, the exhibition will then stop in Hangzhou, Shanghai and Shenzhen to invite guests to discover this complex invention. For the occasion, a historical piece belonging to Breguet’s collections will be presented: the No 1188. This pocket watch sold in 1808 was created by A.-L. Breguet and integrates not only a Tourbillon, but also a constant escapement with a fuse-chain system.