Breguet collections Reine de Naples

Reine de Naples Collection

Reine de Naples Jour/Nuit 8998

Collection Reine de Naples

The view of the majestic Bay of Naples echoes the first watch designed to be worn on the wrist. Abraham-Louis Breguet created it for Caroline Murat, the Queen of Naples. This historic piece, freely interpreted, is the inspiration for a feminine collection which has become legendary.
Reine de Naples 

From the same collection

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Breguet created the first wristwatch for a queen.

Breguet creations have consistently attracted and fascinated women, including famous patrons such as Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France, the Marquise de Condorcet, and the Empress Josephine of France. The list of Breguet’s fervent female admirers also includes Caroline Murat, to whom he delivered in 1812 – more than two hundred years ago – a model that was truly unprecedented at the time: the first wristwatch. Its oval shape was no less exceptional. The models in the Reine de Naples line, anthems of praise to femininity, are inspired by this legendary creation: resolutely modern, refined and suffused with an exquisitely poetic touch.

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